Isabella M. Gioia

Italian Laurea in Physics, University of Bologna, Italy, 1970

INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia
Via Gobetti 101, I-40129 Italy
Tel: +39 051 639 9413; Fax: +39 051 639 9431
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    Appointments and Education

    2011 - Present: Associate, INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia, Bologna, Italy
    1991 - 2011: Dirigente di Ricerca, INAF-Istituto di Radioastronomia, Bologna, Italy
    1991 - 2001: Visiting Astronomer, Institute for Astronomy, Honolulu, HI, USA
    1986 - 1991: Associate, Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass, USA
    1983 - 1990: Astrophysicist, HEAD-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                Mass, USA
    1980 - 1983: Visiting Scientist, HEAD-Smithsonian Astrophysical, Mass, USA
    1971 - 1975: Consultant, Istituto di Radioastronomia CNR and
     Instructor Physics Course Faculty of Biology and Natural
     Sciences, University of Bologna
    1970 - Doctor in Physics - University of Bologna
     Dissertation : The Radio Emission of Bright Galaxies

    Grants and Awards

    STScI-NASA grant "Multiple Arc Systems in X-tay Clusters" [GO-5401.01-93A]-PI
    NASA grant "HRI Observations of MS0440+0202" [NAG5-2594] - PI
    NASA grant "X-ray gas Temperature in the Arc Clusters" [NAG5-2914] - PI
    1993 - Present Co-I in several other NASA, STScI grants
    1990 - 2002 Agenzia Spaziale Italiana - PI in 8 grants
    1987 - 1989 Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Studies Program "A Study of the
      Cosmological Evolution of Extragalactic X-ray Sources" [SS88-3-87] - co-PI
    1984 - 1986 Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Studies Program "A Study of the
      High Galactic Latitude X-ray Sky Using Imaging Data from the Einstein
      Observatory [SS48-8-84] - co-PI
    1982 - NATO fellowship
    1972 - ESRO fellowship

    Professional Activities

    Member, INAF Scientific Advisory Committee, 2008 - 2011
    National Representative, International Astronomical Union, 2006-2009
    Member, XMM-Newton Observing Time Allocation Committee, 2005-2006
    Member, Telescopio Nazionale Galileo Time Allocation Committee, 2002-2004
    Member, European Southern Observatory Observing Programmes Committee, 2000-2002
    Chair, Chandra X-ray Center Peer Review for Chandra Deep Fields, Feb 2001
    Member, Chandra X-ray Center Peer Review, 1998
    Member, Parrent Fellowship Committee, University of Hawaii, 1993-1994
    Member, Committee for the Einstein Observatory Catalog of IPC X-ray Sources,
    Member, Scientific Committees for International Conferences
    Referee for Scientific Journals


    Listed in the ISI's 1120 World's Most Cited Physicists (1981-1997)


    Member, American Astronomical Society
    Member, International Astronomical Union
                    Commission 40: Radioastronomy
                    Commission 47: Cosmology
                    Commission 44: Space and High Energy Astrophysics


    Italian, English, Spanish: fluent
    French: basic (reading only)

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    Updated: Dec 2011